Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Steve Chambliss and our discussion

I learned alot from our talk with Steve Chambliss. It was nice to hear from a teacher who has taught for many years, and also to talk to someone who has done a lot of different jobs in the school system in general.

The first topic that really stands out to me that Steve talked about was No Child Left Behind. It was interesting how he said that it was a "wake-up call to public education." I never really thought of it this way and it really opened my eyes to NCLB being really good for our schools. I thought his solution to the problems that arise from NCLB were interesting as well. He stated "we need to improve teaching and create a better learning environment." And I think this is completely correct. We as teachers need to create a better environment for all of our students to learn better. It was nice to see a teacher who really stands up for NCLB. The only thing that he said was really hard about NCLB was the accountability. It is hard for some students to take standardized tests, and I think we should find a better way to make sure our students are accountable for the learning.

Another topic that really interested me was how he said we should start looking into graduate schools right after graduation. I was always told to take a couple of years before you look into that kind of stuff, but it makes more since with all the learning and test taking to jump into it right away (after starting to teach). I think it was really smart to point out that we should take the GRE right away when we are still used to test taking and are still very knowledgeable in those general subjects that are a part of the test.

What really interested me about his talk was all of the inspiring quotes he said at the end of the talk. It gave me goosebumps to hear all of the great things that come from teaching. Like when he said that teaching is "a life of service...and a very rewarding career." This makes me so excited to be a teacher. I cannot wait to begin my life of service and all the rewards that I will reap from being a teacher. He made me even more excited to be a teacher and I cannot wait to begin my journey of a life of service and rewarding experiences.

The quotes that Steve Chambliss were amazing for an inspirational teaching video click here.

1 comment:

  1. Emily, I too thought that it was very interesting how he stated we should go into graduate school upon completing our undergraduate degree. I had too heard that we should get some experience so that we could relate it back to our classes when taking them.

    I also thought that it was interesting how he told us we should not do the same thing for 40 years. It is good to be a diverse teacher, and by being diverse, it will then help us to be better teachers. Weather it be working in multiple school districts, or teaching different aged students.
