It was a great experience to listen to a new teacher panel as they told us about their first couple years in the "real world." The three teachers were all different and each told us something we could learn from them. The teacher I learned the most from was the male teacher, because he (like me) is in Special Education. It was kind of scary to realize that although they prepare us very well here at Luther College, we will come across situations that we never got taught how to deal with, which is when we will have to use what we learned and figure out the situation by ourselves.
What I found most interesting was the use of technology in the schools now. Two of the teachers stated at their school all students grades 5 and above have laptops. Although this is a good thing because of the saving of the paper when tests are given and such, it can also be a hassle. The students always want to be on the computers when they have free time. This I believe is not a good thing at all. In the free time the students are given they should be socializing and being active with friends. These two components are missing in a lot of our students. Our students need to become more social with each other and adults, they also need to be more active and physically fit. This is their chance to be kids and run around and have fun, with the computers in front of them the whole time they do not do this
Another subject I found most interesting was how the schools are beginning to teach manners to children. I think this is a great idea, because many children do not know basic manners to adults. By having the students say hi and thank you after everything they are learning lifelong lessons they need later in life. School is not all about the knowledge of subject matter like math and reading. You also need to learn those social skills in which manners falls into. I think this is a very good thing that these teachers are doing for their students.
After this teacher panel, my eyes were opened very much. I've always thought that you will learn pretty much everything you need to know in college and then you'll be able to deal with all those things when you are teaching, but I know now that I will keep learning once I'm out of college. This teacher's panel was a good way to see what life outside of the "Luther Bubble" is and what we might have to deal with on a regular basis.
I totally agree with everything! I really thought that I would go to college and learn everything and then just teach. I realized that you still are going to be learning after college and when you are teaching. You still have to do research and find out new things. You can't keep doing the same exact things every year and expect that to be teaching students new things. I really think that teachers need to keep things updated and do new things every year to keep updated with technology and just the world around us. There is always new things coming into the world that students need to know and understand at a young age. I also agree with the manners. I really think children should be taught at a young age what manners are. Teachers really need to enforce these manners because parents do not always teach them. Manners are a very good part of who you are. The teacher panel really opened up my eyes to what I am going to be doing in the future. It really helped me focus on what I need to do to become a great teacher.